
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Inspecting a Vintage Exterior Home

A vintage "hot spot" is a fixed area within a home that has been remodeled or repaired and the homeowner no longer wishes to retain the structure's original appearance. Such a fixed location may be in the kitchen, a bedroom closet, bathroom, garage, or any other room or area that requires attention due to age, wear and tear, or a broken glass within its frame. Such a vintage spot may be purchased for an affordable cost from an auction, estate sale, or repair professional, but there are ways to restore such a vintage spot to its former beauty with very little effort on the part of the homeowner. If one desires to purchase such a fixer upper, here are some tips and tricks:

Defining Paneled Walls

Determine if the vintage spot is a panel or panelized wall. A panelized wall may require more extensive measures than a framed wall. For instance, if the entry door opens into a living room or bedroom (as opposed to an outdoor patio area), one will need to measure the length, width, and height of the exterior doorway. This includes the replacement window trim, all jamb edges, the replacement sash cord, and other hardware components. These measurements can be found on an accompanying homeowner's manual, or at a local building supply store.

Use a tape measure to measure the perimeter of the area. This includes all areas not covered by siding or framing. If a vintage spot is comprised of broken glass, it must be replaced with a new piece that matches the exterior and structural elements of the home. One can purchase new vinyl siding, or purchase replacement windows (if the home has already had them installed). Some vintage houses have been constructed entirely of vinyl, which makes it easier to perform the replacement measures.

Determine if the vintage spot is a frame with a panel or panelized frame. Large scale window repairs tend to have more elements than a small scale window repair project. These repairs tend to be more expensive due to the greater difficulty to achieve an excellent condition result. Regardless of whether the replacement windows are purchased or if they are made from vinyl, the measures involved in performing the project must be precise and accurate.

Tips for Placing the Right Window

Once the perimeter has been measured, it is time to look for broken glass. Most homes have a broken window, but it is usually easier to locate the correct area due to limited access. Two matching pieces of vinyl siding will be needed to repair the damage. These two matching pairs should be placed so that they are perpendicular to each other, and at least thirty percent spaced from one another.

If the broken glass can not be located with this method, it is likely the house has a wooden frame. For this situation, the homeowner will need to use their basic measuring techniques. These measurements must be performed on a clean, dry, and solid condition piece of wood.

Great Idea For Exterior Design

The homeowner should measure their home from base to base and then along the bottom of the siding. Next, they should double these measurements, which will give them a good idea of the amount of space they will need. After the bottom of the siding is double checked, the seller will most likely offer to purchase it as-is. If a buyer insists on having the house re-wired, or installing new insulation, this will need to be factored into the price of the vintage home.

Many buyers prefer to buy homes with vintage cupboard doors. These buyers will need to obtain several measurements of the interior and exterior cupboard area, and then use these measurements to choose a style and material for their cupboard door. A buyer looking for a cupboard style and material in one piece will need to make several trips to the home store. Fortunately, cupboard styles and materials can be found in new small lots, even unsold lots.

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