
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Mediterranean Study Room Decorating

Many of my students have asked me what is the best way to set up a small Mediterranean study room in their homes. My answer has been that there are many options available to you. I suggest setting up your room in a spare room in your attic bedroom. This is because there is not enough room to comfortably accommodate a large classroom like arrangement. Most of these study rooms can be converted into office areas with desks, computer workstations and other essential equipment. There are many places that rent out equipment for little or no cost.

Choosing the Right Study Room Furniture

You will also need to buy some basic furniture and hardware to make your study room appear more homey and appealing. A good way to begin this process is by selecting and buying light fixtures. These fixtures should be in a variety of styles. Do not settle for the typical ceiling lighting fixtures. Go with lights that shine down on your head while sitting at your desk. This type of lighting fixtures will create the illusion of being much further away from your bedroom living area than they actually are.

A great way to incorporate the modern type of lighting fixtures into your studies is to install an oval or round Nordic LED ceiling light. They can be mounted on any type of wall. Nordic LED ceiling lights are designed to minimize glare. In addition to minimizing glare they also create an inviting atmosphere. If you use a rectangular shaped Nordic LED ceiling light fixture, it will look more like it is sitting on your desk than lying on your bed.

Another way to create the illusion of being much closer to your bedroom is to add additional rug to the bedroom flooring. The addition of a rug will not only make your room look bigger but it will also give you warmth underneath your feet during the cold winter nights. Having a small Mediterranean study room with an oak dresser and oak mirror is enough to give you warmth but it does not have to be overpowering like a large room would.

Tips for Designing a Mediterranean Study Room

You may also want to add another window in your bedroom to extend the feeling of space even further. Many people are now choosing to go up and over their attic to add another room to their house. One thing you can do to make this happen is to mount a French door directly above your French patio door in your kitchen or living room.

If your bedroom is directly on the attic, you should take steps to repair damage and waterproof the area. This would be a great idea before you had a problem with the water getting in. There is a popular saying in the southern state of Alabama; "Keep the water in, the rain out". That expression originated in Fairfield, MS. A city that is just north of Montgomery, AL.

Ways to Give the Feel of a Beautiful Floor Space

Other ways to give the feel of more floor space would be to use the north facing walls as skirting board. This can also be achieved by using ceiling lighting with skirting board lights. You could also use some Mediterranean decoration touches in your bedroom with a small rug that runs along the wall behind your bed. You could pick up an ornate bed frame made of metal to match the style of the rugs on the floor. That combination of decorative elements will create the feeling that you are in a Mediterranean villa.

If your home has large windows and balconies, these are the spots where you can really use a lot of the light that is given off by the skylights. One way to extend the light that you get from the skylight is to install ceiling light, simple decoration fixtures on the balcony bedroom walls. This will give a nice warm glow to the atmosphere even during the night time. It can also give your bathroom a nice look when you are using the shower as well as the tub.

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